D-70597 Stuttgart-Degerloch
Christopher Gordon is responsible for this page. All texts and photos are Copyright Center for Integrative Therapy (CIT) and may not be reproduced in whole or in part. Requests for the publication of individual photos should be sent to our contact address and will be processed as soon as possible. There are fees for the use of our photos, which depend on the purpose of publication. Publication of text and images can only be done with the full name of the respective author or photographer. Thank you for your understanding.
In a judgement of 12 May 1998, the Regional Court of Hamburg ruled that by providing a link, one may be held responsible for the content of the' linked' page. According to the District Court, this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself (as operator of this website) from the contents of the linked pages. The following applies to all listed links: We have no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages. Also for this reason, we hereby dissociate ourselves from the contents of the linked pages and do not adopt these contents as our own. This declaration applies to all links displayed on this website.